fredag 9 maj 2008

In the fall of 1965 I was studying, and working, at The American University in Washington D.C. I was studying Television and Film Production and working as the University's photographer. I was given a huge amount of left-over black and white negative film stock. I don't know how much it was but the can it came in seemed about a foot in diameter (30 cm) and I had three of them. I never used it all up but passed it along down the line.

I took my bulk film loader and rolled till my arms ached. Then my friend Don Siegal and I headed for New York for the weekend and I hung out the car window and took roll upon roll as we drove around. Then I took roll upon roll as we walked around till it was all used up and we went home.

Well, my percentages were not all that good. Actually they stank and I only ended up printing three pictures of which this was one of them. We had fun though!

For a case of old wine in new bottles, see: something new.

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